Healers Talk Healing Podcast

How Passion Shapes Our Path to Wellness

Miracles Directory Season 2 Episode 4

Join us for an engaging episode of Healers Talk Healing, where we dive into the heart of what fuels our lives: passion. Often thought of as a mere emotion, we’ll explore how passion serves as a compass guiding us in our healing journeys. In conversation, we reflect on the idea that passion extends beyond joy and excitement; it encompasses even the darker emotions, showing that our experiences shape who we are and how we choose to navigate life's complexities.

Throughout the episode, we share personal stories that illustrate how recognizing and embracing passion can lead to deeper self-understanding and more fulfilling lives. We challenge the societal norms that often stifle the expression of genuine passion, encouraging listeners to break free from external expectations and explore what truly resonates within.

Listeners will gain valuable insights on how to tap into their own passions as a source of empowerment and healing. This episode serves as an invitation to reflect on the diverse experiences that contribute to our journeys, emphasizing growth, connection, and authenticity. 

Don't miss out on this transformative conversation! Tune in, be inspired, and remember to share your thoughts with us. Subscribe, leave a review, and join our community on this holistic healing path. Let's embrace the power of passion together!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Healers Talk Healing, the podcast where we gather to explore the art and science of holistic healing, uncovering the secrets to a happier, healthier you. I'm your host, nina Ganguly, and together we will delve into the intriguing world of holistic healing, delving into the mind-body connection, ancient wisdom and natural remedies to the mind-body connection, ancient wisdom and natural remedies. Get ready for enlightening stories, thought-provoking expert interviews and practical tips that will empower you to unlock your true potential and embrace a vibrant, balanced life. Whether you're an experienced wellness enthusiast or simply curious about the power of healing, join us on this exhilarating journey as we share the wisdom and insights that can truly transform your life. It's time to embark on a voyage towards a happier, healthier you. So, without further ado, let's dive into the captivating world of Healers Talk Healing.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode of Healers Talk Healing. Today, lynn and I are diving into the transformative power of passion, what it truly means and how it serves as a compass in our lives. Inspired by the teachings of Bashar and other renowned entities, we'll explore how passion is more than just a feeling. It's an essential force rooted in love that drives us forward. We'll talk about the spectrum of emotions, from divine love to fear, and how understanding this dynamic helps us heal, grow and uplift ourselves. Together, we'll reflect on how passion connects to our thoughts, actions and the way we navigate life's complexities. So join me and Lynn as we embark on this heartfelt conversation, uncovering the profound ways passion shapes our healing journeys. Let's get started. Oh my gosh, we're back again, lynn. Yes, we are.

Speaker 1:

The dynamic duo. That's what I'm going to call us from now on. What are you going to call this? The dynamic duo oh, all right, that sounds like a plan I think you know this year we talked about, you know, you and I coming together more often to have some incredible conversations around whatever is going on in our lives, in the world, in our minds. You know, healers talk. Healing is about talking about everything and anything within the realm of living. I think.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's all about life and what we deal with, and the reality is we deal with so many different things in life, right? So, everyone has feelings that they explore and they're going through and working through. Everyone has these phenomenal, exhilarating, like woohoo, you know days and experiences that they're ready to share with everyone. And the traumas, the challenges, the oh my God, look what happened to the oh, this is so great. We all experience it. So healers talk healing is totally about life and how we choose to experience life, the way in which we um go about handling things every day. It's about our thoughts, our perspectives, our about our thoughts, our perspectives, our feelings, our actions. It's about all of those things. So, when we're talking about healing, we're actually talking about how we are able to move forward in our life in such a way that is always a form of uplifting who we are, because the healing is uplifting who we are, because the healing is uplifting who we, many people know of, the entity known as Abraham or as Michael, and so on and so forth, and so I was listening to a YouTube video that he did and he was talking about passion, and as he was talking about it, I was like, well, that's the exact definition of passion, and, and so here is my take on on that passion is actually a feeling, and we only we have an, in truth, two emotions, what feels like two emotions, but the only emotion in actuality is that of love, and it has, on one side of the spectrum, divine love. On the other end of the spectrum, it can be fear and all these different, uh, aspects between, but we feel them okay as being in love, or loving something, or hating something, or in being anxious, or having grief, or having depression, or being in exhilaration, or excitement, or happiness, or whatever. It is Okay, all right. So passion, as he described it, or as it I'm going to use the word it, they as they described it Okay is actually something that is a choice that we have passionate feelings about in every single moment. That's how I interpreted it from what he was saying.

Speaker 2:

That means that if you, in this moment, are considering a choice between seeing a family member versus seeing a friend, at this exact moment, you may not be able to see them both at the same time because they're in, they're in completely different places. The choices that you make on what you would do is based on how you feel and if you can make a choice based on how good you feel, who would I feel who? Who do I feel like being around? You know, sometimes we'll say that who do I feel like being around? Hmm, well, if I'm around my relative, you know they love me and they support me and that's wonderful and it's warm and cozy. If I'm with my friend, we can really hang, we commiserate with each other. We know how to just you know we can really hang, we commiserate with each other. We know how to just you know we get each other and that's also a great feeling.

Speaker 2:

Who do I want to see at this moment where I will feel so open, so elevated, so me and how I'm choosing to express myself in this very moment? You know what I'm going to go see my family. In that choice. That's the passion, the connecting with how you're feeling and the way that you want to continue to be held up or supported. That's the choice you make out of what we call passion, that feeling of passion. It's a passionate move Because it's something that you know will make you feel better when you're feeling down, you want comfort and so forth.

Speaker 2:

What do most people say? I want my mommy, it doesn't matter how old you are or someone who is mommy-like, mommy-esque, right, because you want to feel better. That feeling better, that being uplifted, is a choice that you make from a place of passion. In that time, in that space, in that moment, you are passionate about doing that thing. And so that's how, as, as you know, as I have interpreted what he was saying, or they were saying, um, to be in your passion, to live your passion is to now consciously be aware of not only how you choose to go along your life path, live what you determine as your life purpose. All of this is from passion. What I am drawn to, what I am moved to, what I am compelled to do Okay, move to what I am compelled to do Okay.

Speaker 2:

All of those are ways to describe how we can connect with our passion, that deeper feeling of fully expressing ourself and being who we are. But even beyond that, in everything that we choose, in between every goal that we make, choose in between every goal that we make, every thought that we have, we come to a place where we choose from our passion at all times. Sometimes, that passion can even be a feeling that is so moving and so deep. It may be something that takes us into despair or into depression. It's still a feeling of passion, but most often we don't want to experience that. Okay, well, let me back up. Some people most often may not want to experience that. Some people have moved into the habit of the only way they feel that they're alive or they're living in a moment of passion is if it is some of those other vibrational feelings like, again, grief or anger or fear or despair, depression, whatever it is, and that that is still a form of passion and it's feeling strong. It's, it's a sense of feeling something, being alive.

Speaker 1:

Okay, what I have some questions about that and thoughts. Well, I this is a new conversation for me, because I never really saw passion from that perspective and so what happens in that context that you've that's been, that you've created and that you've heard from Bashar? What about those people who say they don't know what their passion is? They don't know what their passion is, they don't know what their purpose is, and they feel like they're kind of just floating around. Where is their passion in that? Or is that the choice that they're making to be in this state of flux?

Speaker 2:

So that's a good question. Again, I can speak from my perspective and my perspective in terms of what flows through me. People think neutrality is boring, because what do you mean it being neutral? I got to feel something well in that place of not being sure of your purpose or your life path or what have you. You may very well be in a place where you're very neutral, quite honestly, as to a direction you go in.

Speaker 2:

Where passion comes in is where you connect with the inner beingness of self and ask what do I choose to express that's within me to the world, and in what way do I receive the most joy? Most people would say happiness or excitement or thrilled about OK, and when you can, when you can move into that place of how do I choose? How do I want to fully express myself? Is it in a very colorful way? Is it in a very creative way? Is it in a very serious way? Is it in a way of being the cool nerd? Is it in the way of being the intellectual scholar? Is it in the way of just being the goofball? All of it is cool, it's fine, it's wonderful. That's a choice that you you make, connecting with how you, from the deepest part of you are most thrilled I'm going back into feeling talk but are most thrilled to express that, make you feel good about you. Ok, it can be the sassy girl, it can be the cool dude. You know what? What makes you feel passionate about how you choose to express yourself? So once you kind of connect with that a little bit, then you can go into what are the things that I have experienced in this world or that I have perceived that have made me feel really great, that I want to do because I'm now moved in some way to use my form of expression to do that, use my form of expression to do that, to be the attorney, to be the comedian, to be the massage therapist, to be, you know, and maybe it's something that is like saying, oh, I want to be a healer, I want to help people. Okay, well, there's so many ways in which to help people. Well, there's so many ways in which to help people. So, based on how you choose to express yourself and that makes you feel good in the way that you express yourself, what do you see that just resonates with you, that makes you feel good? And typically it comes from some kind of experience that we've had when we were younger. It comes from some kind of experience that we've had when we were younger.

Speaker 2:

I was listening to Gad. I forget his first name. He's a comedian, g-a-d. Look up his last name, y'all will know who I'm talking about.

Speaker 2:

I was watching him being interviewed and he said that from the challenges and trauma when he was a little boy and seeing his mom sad and because of his own sense of he was he body shamed and self-debased himself. Ok, it's self-debasement, but when he would make jokes or act funny, it made his mom smile and laugh. And then he started. He saw some comedian or something on television, little boy, and he said I know it was. He said it was Aladdin and the genie Robin Williams. And just so funny, he said that's what I want to do. In that moment he experienced that sense of I love how I can make my mom feel when she's laughing. I love how this person, this genie, it makes me feel just talking, I'm giggling about it. That's what I want to do now. He consciously made that decision, but it became. That was his passion and how he chose to heal not only himself but others, and I'm using him as a direct example.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think I know who you're talking about. I believe I heard that story somewhere along the line as well. I think what's interesting is when I'm hearing you speak, I'm thinking about, I'm hearing words like self expression and you know finding joy, and I'm thinking about you know my own journey, you know coming to where I am today and it's and it's not like it's not like this. The journey is not never like that. I've been all over the place, all around jumping all you know through hoops, and I think one of the things, the inquiries that I've been in, or I started in when I thought about my own passions, was like but who am I? First, because I didn't, I didn't really know who I was. And when I'm listening to, I'm hearing a bit of like. There's that self-discovery of, well, who are you and what do you want?

Speaker 1:

And I remember talking to one of my friends a couple of years ago. I went to visit her in Bali and one of the things she said was well, what do you want? You know we were just having this conversation but, like, what do you want? Put aside everybody else's needs for a moment, everybody else's input, whatever people think, what is it that you want now, in this moment, and honestly, that point, I was like that's a good question, that's really a good question. But once I answered that question for myself, I think everything that I've done since then, um and like it's a it's a back and forth pendulum is aligned with what do I want?

Speaker 1:

Because what do I want kind of is like it, kind of I guess it's like this relationship of chicken and egg who do I want to be? What do I want from that? Who do I want to be, or whichever dictates something. I've always known that I was always someone who was creating a space for people to be whoever they needed to be. That's from when I was young, but I didn't know, like, how do? How am I taking this into my life here now? And my passion is definitely to serve, and in many different ways. It's not just as a Reiki master or a life coach or, you know, a strategist for businesses. There's so many different ways to serve and I think that truly actually, now that I'm talking about it, really is my passion is to be in service when I choose, okay, when I choose to be in service.

Speaker 2:

Okay, but you're in service all the time. It's not something you go in and out of, all right. So, first of all, yes, it is. Everyone says, okay, who am I? Well, the real truth and essence of who you are is you are a light being.

Speaker 2:

There's nothing more than that. It's not that complicated. You are a light being, and you're a light being that has many different facets, like a polished diamond or even a rough diamond. When you take a rough diamond and you polish it, it reflects light from so many different directions. Does that make it any different? Because it's polished and reflecting more light than when it was in its raw form? No, it's all of the essence of that, has always been there. So that's who you really are. So that's why I ask the question how do you choose to express yourself? Do you choose to express the blue tones, the purple tones, the orange or red tones? How do you choose to express yourself? And that does change over time, little by little, and oftentimes it's based on the choices you make at every single moment, every single moment.

Speaker 2:

I remember thinking back when I was six years old and I was at my grandmother's house and she was like don't you play with that ball in the house? Because you don't play with that ball in the house? Because don't play with that ball in the house because you're going to break something. Ok, nana, I won't. Of course, I wanted to play with the ball and I asked her can I go outside and play with the ball. No, no, no. If you go outside, you need to have one of us, one of the adults, be with you. So, no, you can't go out by yourself.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm sitting on the couch and I'm waiting and I'm waiting, ball in my lap, and I'm waiting, and I'm waiting. And when can we go outside? I'm going to play with my ball. Oh, I have to cook first. I have to do that. You know what adults will do. And finally, my sister. She comes downstairs and I say Yvette, here, catch the ball. And I throw the ball and of course it hits one of her nice, beautiful crystal lamps and breaks, falls and shatters. That was a choice I made in that moment, because the passion was to be joyful, to play, to have fun. In that moment. That's what I was passionate about.

Speaker 2:

you see what I mean yeah understanding that once it broke oh, there are consequences, right? And boy did I get the consequence for having done that. She was a no-nonsense, you know, I'm going to take care of your behind. Didn't particularly like the exhilaration of playing and being joyful, and expressing that part of myself was more important to me than getting a spanking, getting a spanking. And so, from then on, there were many choices I made so that I could be, you know, happy and playful and joyful. Of course, moving forward, many of those choices still resulted in a spanking, until what ended up happening was the essence of my joy, or my spirit, really diminished.

Speaker 2:

And I, completely a person who I can be serious, but I really do like to have fun, and my kids always say how corny I am and everything else. But that is how. That is what brings me great joy and I am passionate about those things, and at this point in my life, I don't care if other people respond to it or not, it just feels good for me. So that's what I mean by how do you choose to first express yourself, every experience we have in life, if what you choose are those things that make you feel love and joy and exhilaration, and for me also, it's growth, continuing to grow and expand and experience all the wonderfulness of the universe that's actually very effervescent and kind of tickly and all of those things. Then how do you channel that into your path, into your purpose? And sometimes, even if we're not sure what that is and you're a single mom or you are a very good worker, or whatever it may be the purpose where your sense of expression inspires, motivates, changes other people around you that do some magnificent things that you may never really know about, learn about, hear about, I think about the teachers who say to those those lovely young ones you know, you are smart, you are beautiful, oh, what a darling child you are. Just those words can lighten that, that human being, that that soul, to feel so great and go oh, okay. And we've all heard several stories where that has changed literally people's lives because it changes their perspective about themselves. So you may not have a specific purpose in mind or you may not know what it is, you may not know what your path is, but you have someone who calls you that says you know what? We're having an afternoon tea at our social club and we would love for you to come and just talk about your experience in terms of what you've done to help take care of your elders. And you stand up and you talk and people are like, oh, that was marvelous. Oh my God, that was so heartfelt, I didn't know what to do. You really helped, give me direction. Dah, dah, dah, dah dah.

Speaker 2:

You may not think anything of it. Certainly you never thought about being a speaker, or maybe you hadn't thought about your part of your purpose or your path as being one that helps in the geriatric care field or whatever it may be. But then you find someone saying I'd love for you to speak at my such and such oh, and, before you know it, many people find this to be true in their lives. You are just naturally like flowing in a direction you may not have consciously chosen. Well, okay, I started this job and that kind of led me to this and then that led me to that. So I guess I'm going to do this, okay, but the whole while it has been part of your purposeful journey. You just have not been conscious of it, so you don't have to go looking for it and seeking it and wringing your hands around it and, oh my god, I don't know what to do.

Speaker 2:

I'm just going to stay in my room until I understand what it is. No, you live your life and as you live your life and as you live your life, you're making choices, and every choice you make is based on some type of a very movable feeling that is passion.

Speaker 1:

I'm really looking, I'm hearing you talk and I'm seeing the snippets of my life in which it was like oh, this, just this just happened, and then then this just happened, and then it just just happened, and it's. It's funny when I started podcasting and people would say this is what you're supposed to be doing, this is this is where you seem to to be fully expressed and I'm thinking I'm just talking, so why not get on in front of a camera and talk to people? I do love talking and engaging and I love the intellect of it. I love learning. I am an avid learner, for sure, and I like to then teach what I learn.

Speaker 1:

I'm not somebody who likes to gatekeep and keep stuff to myself, so of and I like to then teach what I learn. I'm not somebody who likes to gatekeep and keep stuff to myself, so, of course, I want to share, but I'm just it's all piecing together and I hope for our listeners or those who are watching there they're starting to maybe just take a look in the rear view for a second to think oh right, Look at all these serendipitous things that have happened over time, that have led me to where I am now and you know, like even our relationship. We met on a different project and who knew that it would blossom into where we are now and I'm thrilled to what has opened up for us through our partnership and connection. And who would have thought?

Speaker 2:

Yes, who would have thought? Who would have thought? And as you're talking, it's true, and as I often tell people, everything that you have experienced in life has been critical to where you are now, and don't think anything at any point has been a waste of time, a waste of energy or a waste at all, because those choices that you have made have led you to where you are now. Had you made different choices at every single turn, at every path, you would be doing something different. But would it be any less valid, valuable and enlightening? No, it wouldn't have been any less than that. It's just that you make these choices and every choice you make always know it's from a level of passion. You know you become conscious of that. Then you start to become conscious of various things I was just going to share real quickly, just to piggyback on what you said. You know I think about my own life and how I've always been passionate about dance, movement and and ballet. Um, what I was doing, that and then which also moved me into jazz, a little bit of modern dance, that was years before hip hop, so I can't claim that, but um, um was my, is the way I chose to express myself to the world, okay, and we all have something. We just need to, like, tap into that. But from that became, oh no, I want to be wealthy. So, no, from that came, yeah, I want to be wealthy.

Speaker 2:

My uncle was a very. He was a doctor who owned several women's clinics, on so forth. I'm like, oh, I'm gonna piggyback off of what he's doing. He's an OBGYN, I'll be a pediatrician and I've always loved science. So that made sense to me Until I started working in his office when I was a teenager and I went, well, maybe not. And then I moved into something else, that again just very naturally, with some friends, and it dealt with politics. And I'm like, oh, I'll be an attorney. And, yes, that's what I went to college for, that's what I studied for, that's what you know I did until I realized I don't want to do that. I just wanted to make money. But I'm not. It's not what I'm feeling.

Speaker 2:

Were those all wrong choices along the way? No, and what I did connect with, which I always knew and had a connection with, was spirituality and religions and world religions and world cultures and all of those things. That's where where I feel uplifted and that's what I moved into. Um, but before getting there, I moved into finance. Of course, I was focused on money, so I moved into finance, and I did that for a period of time and realized, no, that wasn't the right direction for me either. However, the one thread was always spirituality, healing service and so on. That was always kind of the thread. So now the Miracles, ultimate Wellness Resources is born, and you know what do I do? Well, of course, that make running a business takes financial know-how. You know, it is a business around healing and growth and those kinds of things, and it is extremely creative, which, instead of dancing my my creative chops, happen in the business itself. And so was any of that a waste?

Speaker 1:

No, I totally, I see it.

Speaker 2:

And that's a path I was on my life, path and purpose, even though it's like, well, aren't you going to stick with something? I'm like?

Speaker 1:

You know, I owned a retail store for a while which was part of the spiritual aspect, but all of that part of the path, so important for people to hear about the part of the path because you know I come from a cultural background is like you choose something, you stick to it, you stay safe, you make money, you stay secure and that's what you do now, that's the programming yeah, that is not the message that was given to me.

Speaker 1:

I'm very blessed. Even in all of the craziness of my life, I was always just told do what you love, but give it your all. So if you choose that you love this, give it your all, and if you don't love this anymore, then find something that you can give it your all. So that's. I've been very, very blessed and lucky. But not everyone gets that support. That's true Family to say, oh, you don't want to be a doctor, what is that you want to do? Oh, you want to create art? Sure, no problem. That's unheard of in in my cultural background. Okay, so I think it's important for those who are listening to as parents, because I know parents just want their kids to be stable, to be able to pay their bills, to a safe and secure and a life they survive yes, it's true, right, you know it's.

Speaker 1:

You know, and especially when you come from a cultural background of survival like you have, as you can understand, right, there's survival, but there's, there's, there can be a passion in survival. I guess, if you're looking at the choices that you're making, innovation of your self-expression, it's okay to move through things, and I'm speaking to parents, because parents have a dream and a vision for their children. They're passionate about it, but there's something to be said about your child's own passions, and allowing the self-expression of their own passions will bring them what it is you want for them well, exactly, and and here you're.

Speaker 2:

You're so right on.

Speaker 2:

Most of the dreams that parents have for their children are the unfulfilled dreams that parents had for themselves 100 and when a parent is willing to fully let go of that and see their child, and in seeing their child opening the doors for their children to explore all the opportunities that that child can explore, then the child is able to make a decision about what they really want to do. And when they do, then they're able to move through those doors. When my oldest daughter was very young, she loved gymnastics. We had her and I put her in gymnastics because I'm like, oh, this child is, you know, as many parents say, a little monkey, climbing everything and flipping over the couches and everything else.

Speaker 2:

I'll put her in gymnastics and she did well, but in her situation her legs got so many bone spurs that she couldn't. They were. It was just painful at night. It was just too painful. I had to pull her out and even to this day she's like why did you pull me out? I just love gymnastics. Yes, I know you did, but your body was growing and your bones were not able to not spurs a split you know, like charlie.

Speaker 2:

Charlie, horses are part of, um, uh, can be bone splinters and it's the tearing of the muscles which is part of what happened with athletes also to help bulk them up and make them stronger. She couldn't handle it, it was just too painful and I said I can't see you doing this. So then it looked like you know, she expressed she was interested in acting. I'm like, okay so, of a student of mine who, uh, was an actor and also a dancer. He uh, uh, worked with her and my niece and a good friend of theirs, creating, having them create their own story script when they were eight, and then acting it out and doing certain things. Anyway, long story short.

Speaker 2:

Um, when she went to middle school, she got into the acting class in seventh grade. Most of the time you couldn't do it till ninth grade, but it just happened. See how the universe opens the doors when you're ready for something. They didn't have enough kids for the acting class, so they took four or five from the seventh grade who were able to get into the acting class. From there. She decided she wanted to go to boarding school, to this high school boarding school for acting, and I said, yes, you can do that If you write me a paper on why you want to go, what your passion is in terms of acting, I'm like you, give me an affirmative, you know, solid argument as to why we should send you to boarding school to do that. And I said, yeah, you know, we'll take a look at it and that can happen if that's what you want. Of course, my husband said absolutely not.

Speaker 1:

I'm laughing because I've done that with my children when they ask for things, I'm like can you please write me an essay as to why you think you need to have it? Yeah, it's like you know.

Speaker 2:

I want to know what you know, where you are emotionally, where you are in your heart and how you're thinking about it and perceiving it Right. So, anyway, it didn't happen. She didn't go to boarding school, but instead she did find a very good school here in LA. That's actually the sister school to the school in New York that the movie fame was um, um, um emulated from. Uh, her school does the same thing fame. Fame does and did but, and you had to audition to get in, and so I supported her along the way.

Speaker 2:

You know she had acting coach, she passed her audition, she was one out of, she was. There were 100 kids they selected out of I think 1500 or whatever it was at that time. And she went through, she graduated, she went to colleges that she had to audition for and have a 3.0 GPA as a minimum, and she did that and got accepted into three, into two, was waitlisted into one, and so that was her path. And what is she doing now? She's in production because she wants to be, she's on a path of being a producer. She's in production because she wants to be, she's, she's, she's on a path to being a producer.

Speaker 2:

She decided that it wasn't stable enough and that in between time you know she has to file for unemployment waiting for the next gig, and she's like oh no, mom, I can't.

Speaker 1:

I need to have something a little more steady. But doing production and producing gives her the that I'm not passionate about.

Speaker 2:

I need to have something a little more steady. But doing production and producing gives her the opportunity and she also writes and so forth, scripts and so forth Gives her a chance to still act when she wants to, but she's able to do so much more and it's broadened her.

Speaker 1:

And I really do hope people hear something for themselves about the that and passion. And you know, all we want in life truly is to be well, not all.

Speaker 1:

One of the biggest things we want in life is to be truly, I think, self-expressed, allowing our authentic, authentic self to show up, and a lot of the journeys that I hear people who are looking for healing and looking for coaching and and you know, in this world, in this realm that we're in, in this sphere that we're in, is they're looking for that like, how do I find my own self expression?

Speaker 1:

I can see now in our conversation about how you know that passion and you know when you were saying the word passion and a lot of people think passion is like, uh, like you said, joy and uplifting and it's like being driven by something to do something. So it's like I can be passionate about something that's going on in the world and it doesn't look like it's joyous or exciting and it's like more like a soapbox and I'm on a soapbox and I'm saying what I need to say, but that's driven by a passion for something else. Right, if I am talking about women's rights and I'm getting upset about something that's happening in the world, or children's rights, or fast fashion or whatever it could be, it's because passion that's underlying something about. For me, I think it would be something about serving humanity right.

Speaker 2:

And so the passion is the feeling, and the underlying aspect of it is how do I choose to express myself in the world? And then you, consciously, if you will look at all the choices you have and how to do that. You can be an activist behind a bullhorn, you can be an attorney, you can be a politician, you can be a motivational speaker, you can be someone who tells story and entertainment in reference to that. There are many, many paths, and that's where you get a chance to consciously choose what do I feel most good about in the way that I express myself and the passion I have for, you know, uplifting, for uplifting myself, uplifting others. And again, that can come from anger and it can come from exhilaration. It can come from great joy Joy is actually more of an emotion along that emotional scale than a feeling but it can come from great happiness and it can come from guilt or grief, but nonetheless, or grief, but nonetheless it's still an element of passion that does move us, and not all passion is strongly moving, but it's still moving. It's something that still moves us to take action or where we consider what do we want to do about it. And then that leads me to. If you're complaining about something, then if you are to. If you're complaining about something, then if you are caught up in the passion of complaining, what is it that's really disturbing you most? Why is it disturbing you? And if there was a solution to it, is that one that you would like to participate in?

Speaker 2:

Some people just like it, just for the sake of the drama? Yes, there is an addiction and, as I used to tell my children, who would fall out if I said no, sometime, don't, don't give me the drama and don't play it out in your life like this. Put it on stage, put it out there. You want to be in drama. Put the drama out there don't do this.

Speaker 1:

So, anyway, we talk about drama because there's so many things I've learned about addictions to different types of drama, uh, and those dopamine hits, and that's a whole another conversation.

Speaker 1:

But you know, I think I, I think it's, it's beautiful to see and to hear what you said about how do I want to show up in the world today. It could be different tomorrow. Today I want to show up, as you know, the person who stays in bed wears my pajamas and is all good with that, and I'm take care of my mental health, and tomorrow I'll show up, maybe differently, maybe not, who knows, but it comes from a place deep inside of and you just take a moment, I think, if we took a moment just to listen and feel and connect to what that place is, and I got something else out of the conversation, which is we're all light, so we're all beaming, something always. So you know, if, if you truly are in a space where like, okay, lynn and Nina, blah, blah, blah, yeah, passion, yeah, oh, it's just going to show up about it, take a moment and just be still about it and I'm laughing because even in what you just said, there, there was passion.

Speaker 2:

There was passion in, in, in being, in that place of. I don't want to believe it, I don't want to deal with it, I don't want to do it. I'm just feeling what I'm feeling and I'm gonna feel it, and nobody's gonna tell me anything different. Well, you're passionate about making that choice at that moment and the reality is there's nothing wrong with that. You will be moved. When you're moved to move, when there is another choice before you or you're ready to make another choice, it will present itself and then you'll make that choice and you'll you'll move into another place. Yeah, wrong the word wrong.

Speaker 1:

The word, the connotation of something is wrong when you're not where you want to be or you're not showing up as who you would like to show up as there. We we have this language that we use and are the language.

Speaker 2:

The language, the languaging that we use is so inadequate which you've you you personally have heard me say that many times it, the languaging around it is so inadequate. Let's just take the word wrong out of the vocabulary, because there is no wrong and actually there's no right. It just is what it is. And do we have the right to make choices? Yes, can we make choices based on, in that moment, how we feel? Absolutely, we do it all the time, unconsciously. Can we make a choice based on how we choose to feel if we're feeling low, how we choose to remain if we're feeling high? Absolutely, we have that choice and that's when we start becoming more conscious of the choice and through those choices and the passion, in that way, you are already on your life path period. There are many ways to many paths to get to your life purpose or to be on your life purpose. It's not even to get to it, you're already on it anyway.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay Like. I think, that's what we need to just like. Okay, you're already on your path. Part of this ruminating the thinking, the wondering is part of the process.

Speaker 2:

It's part of the process, and I'd love to tell people to stop Stop thinking, stop ruminating, stop. This is where presence, being present, comes into play, because when you're very present, there are always choices before you. You make the choice and you understand that there are a million pathways for you to stay and be on your purpose, because you are already, but you may not understand it, you may not cognitively be aware of it, you may not be able to express it, it may not look the way you think it should look or you've dreamt about, and oftentimes that's influenced by our programming, anyway, not really where we may want to be. Okay, all of those things. And so we are always trying that's the word trying to get there well, you're already there.

Speaker 1:

You can't you can't.

Speaker 2:

How can one try to be in a female body or a male body? I'm really trying to be in a female body. I'm already in a female body. Now, for those spiritual beings that feel they are not in the right body, you're not trying to be in a female body. If you were born into a male body, you are choosing at any given moment in time to say I am a female in terms of female energy principle. That is how I choose to express myself in this world and I choose to then have the external aspect of my body reflect who I am fully. What a beautiful. I choose to stay in the male body and still express myself fully the way I choose. But you're not trying to be you, because you already are I think that's a powerful statement for us.

Speaker 1:

To just end at this point like you are not. I'm going to repeat it just in case. I want to hear that you're not trying to be anything. You are the thing, person, the being that you are. That's wonderful. Thanks, lynn. We are going to be doing this more often.

Speaker 1:

So, while we are so happy to highlight the healers within our network and if you are a healer listening to this and you're like, hey, how do I get into this conversation? Go to our website, check us out. If you are a healer listening to this and you're like, hey, how do I get into this conversation, go to our website, check us out. All the links will be in the show notes, so make sure you go there, check it out, see how you would like to be a part of this conversation. Come on in and join us. We'd love to have you there. And those of you who are thinking well, I'm not a healer, I want to be part of the conversation. Well, you know what? There's something out there for you too. So just hop on, check us out, send us messages. We're here to help you and support you. Thank you so much for listening to us Until next time.

Speaker 2:

Bye for now.

Speaker 1:

Bye-bye. Thank you for joining us today on Healers Talk Healing. We hope you've been inspired and empowered on your holistic healing journey. If you've enjoyed today's episode and want to continue learning and growing with us, don't forget to subscribe, follow, rate and review our podcast. Your feedback and support mean the world to us. Remember healing is a lifelong journey and you have the power to transform your life in profound ways. Stay curious, keep exploring and never stop believing in your own capacity for healing.

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